Visitor parking is available throughout campus in both garages and lots. Parking garages are equipped with automated pay stations that are available 24 hours a day. Attendants are on duty in garages during peak periods. Pay-by-space equipment is available in visitor lots. For maps and directions to visitor parking facilities, use the links provided in the tables below.
The following video will familiarize you with how to operate pay stations in the parking garages. Remember to take your entry ticket with you. Before returning to your vehicle, pay at a pay station.
If the visitor parking below does not meet your needs, you may be able to purchase a temporary parking permit valid for one day. Please contact us for assistance.
To help plan your visit to Duke, read our advisories or check the Duke Events Calendar.
For more visitor information, read about discounted parking and check our FAQs. Duke's smoking policy applies to all parking garages.
Buses transporting visitors to campus (except for athletic events) should park at 200 Oregon St., labeled Erwin Field. Overnight parking is prohibited.
Parking for recreational vehicles is not offered on the University or Medical Center campuses. There are several nearby RV parking facilities; please search for them with a web browser such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari or Microsoft Bing.
View the Departmental Visitors page for information on parking for departmental guests.
University Visitor Garages
Serves the Bryan Center, Duke Chapel, and other nearby buildings
Enter off Science Drive
Pull an entry ticket; before returning to your vehicle, pay at an automated pay station.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Clearance: 9' 0"
Parking is free on Sundays in the surface lot only from 8 am - 1:00 pm
Enter off Science Dr near JB Duke Hotel
Pull an entry ticket; before returning to your vehicle, pay at an automated pay station.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Clearance: 8' 2"
Visitor Lots
Enter off of Science Drive near the Bryan Center
Equipped with meters that accept cash, credit and debit. PaybyPhone may also be used for this lot.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Parking is free on Sundays in the surface lot only from 8 am - 1:00 pm
Enter off of Science Drive near Fuqua School of Business
Equipped with meters that accept cash, credit and debit. PaybyPhone may also be used for this lot.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Equipped with meters that accept cash, credit and debit. PaybyPhone may also be used for this lot.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Enter off Duke University Road
Equipped with meters that accept cash, credit and debit cards. PaybyPhone may also be used for this lot.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Lot is closed due to construction of the Garden Gateway Project. Expected to reopen Spring 2026.
This lot is available for visitor parking all day Saturday and Sunday (unless reserved for events).
PaybyPhone is used at this lot.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Nearby attractions include Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Rubenstein Arts Center and Nasher Art Museum.
4 spaces These spaces utilize PaybyPhone for payment.
Rate: $2.00/hour
12 spaces These spaces utilize PaybyPhone for payment.
Rate: $2.00/hour
8 spaces These spaces utilize PaybyPhone for payment.
Rate: $2.00/hour
5 spaces These spaces utilize PaybyPhone for payment.
Rate: $2.00/hour
2 spaces These spaces utilize PaybyPhone for payment.
Rate: $2.00/hour
3 spaces These spaces utilize PaybyPhone for payment.
Rate: $2.00/hour
2 spaces These spaces utilize PaybyPhone for payment.
Rate: $2.00/hour
4 spaces These spaces utilize PaybyPhone for payment.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Health Systems Visitor Garages
Pull an entry ticket; before returning to your vehicle, pay at an automated pay station.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Clearance: 9' 0"
Enter from Erwin Rd or Elba St
Pull an entry ticket; before returning to your vehicle, pay at an automated pay station.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Clearance: 7' 1"
Pull an entry ticket; before returning to your vehicle, pay at an automated pay station.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Clearance: 8' 0"
Enter from Erwin Rd onto Eye Care Drive
Pull an entry ticket; before returning to your vehicle, pay at an automated pay station.
Rate: $2.00/hour
Clearance: 9' 0"