- Vehicles must be parked in marked spaces. Vehicles must properly display a current permit for the appropriate area in which the vehicle is parked from 7:00 AM through 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday, excluding University Holidays.
- After Hours and Weekends - No residential student parking is allowed in lots with gates down or broken, unless designated for residential student parking. Please refer to specific lots for information on after hours and weekend access.
All garages and surface lots will be open for complimentary parking from midnight to midnight on the following holidays:
- Christmas Day
- New Year's Day
Storing of vehicles for more than 10 days consecutively or more than a total of 20 days in a calendar month is prohibited.
- Winter break is excluded from this regulation, as long as the student will be living in a campus residence spring semester after winter break.
Duke University Parking and Transportation Services enforces parking regulations.
Summer Parking Enforcement - During the summer, permit restrictions may be adjusted in many locations due to availability and need. Summer permit enforcement is in effect the first Monday following graduation through August 15 of each year as follows:
- Blue Zone lots. Any annual, current Duke permit is valid. Night (NGT) permits are excluded.
- Duke University Road lots. Any annual, current Duke permit is valid. Night (NGT) permits are excluded.
- Parallel parking spaces on Towerview Rd. and Circuit Dr. may be utilized by customers with annual permits (not NGT permits). Spaces labeled for reserved permits and pay-by-phone may not be used.
- East Employee Zone. Any annual, current Duke permit is valid. Night (NGT) permits are excluded.
- All other lots and garages are enforced for required permits year-round.
Parking is enforced 24 hours, seven days a week, including University Holidays. At all times the appropriate permit for the reserved space/area/lot must be displayed on the vehicle. Vehicles parked in reserved spaces without the proper permit will be towed at the owner's expense.
All vehicles must be removed from lots/areas when designated as reserved for events before the posted time. Vehicles in violation will be cited and towed at the owner’s expense.
Parking is enforced 24 hours, seven days a week, including University Holidays. The appropriate permit for the service space/area/lot must be displayed on the vehicle at all times. Vehicles parked in service spaces without the proper permit may be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense.
Loading zones and docks are enforced 24 hours, seven days a week, including University Holidays. Blocking a loading dock creates a safety hazard.
Visitor Parking permits are required on all vehicles parked on campus by individuals not affiliated with Duke. Faculty, staff, and students associated with Duke University or the Medical Center/Health System are not considered visitors. Individuals who use the resources of Duke on a regular basis (more than twice weekly) are not considered visitors. PTS will sell Daily Visitor permits to departments for distribution to their guests. Official Duke visitors may use any of the designated visitor pay lots or meters, or they may purchase a parking permit at the PTS for use in designated areas. No vehicles may be left unattended in patient drop off areas.
- Multiple visitors will not be allowed into gated lots without prior approval from PTS. Visitors in groups of more than 15 will be handled by the Special Events section of PTS. Departments with frequent visitors may require a Reserved Visitor space. Requests for such spaces should be made to PTS.
- Daily visitor permits for pay lots or meters are $10/day for eligible visitors.
- Department permits for campus "Reserved" or shared visitor spaces are $10/day.
- Departments and agencies will not be allowed to design, produce or issue parking permits not approved by PTS. The display of unauthorized permits will result in a fine.
If a gate is raised during the time when enforcement is normally in effect, permit(s) required for that area will continue to be enforced.
Employees and students are not allowed to park in designated visitor spaces.
- Hourly pay lots controlled by pay stations will be enforced 24/7, unless otherwise posted. In the event that the lot is being used for a special event, a sign will be posted informing drivers of the time that cars must be removed.
- Everyone who uses a pay lot or metered space must pay to park.
- Individuals with handicapped placards must pay to park in garages, pay lots and at metered spaces if the metered space is designated accessible.
- Inoperable meters or pay stations must be reported to PTS immediately at (919) 684-PARK. Knowingly parking at an inoperable meter or pay station is a violation.
- Vehicles may not park overnight in Parking Garage 4 (Science Drive at Bryan Center).
Vehicles permitted to park in the Blue Zone must be removed by midnight of the evening prior to home football events.
PTS may designate lots to serve specific groups as necessary to fully utilize parking resources.
No vehicle shall be parked in a manner that causes it to occupy any portion of two or more parking spaces simultaneously.
- No parking will be permitted on sidewalks, walkways, landscapes, and travel lanes or over pedestrian crosswalks.
- Blocking dumpsters and unauthorized parking at loading docks and service spaces is not permitted.
- Parking in a fire lane, fire access area, or obstructing fire and rescue access is not permitted.
- Parking on ramps in garages is prohibited except as needed in Science Drive Garage during the academic year. Observe the days and times for ramp parking as stated on signs posted in the garage.
- Parking spaces on campus may not be used to post the sale of a vehicle, perform mechanical repairs, wash vehicles or store vehicles.
- Vehicles may only use one parking space at a time. No trailers may be attached to a vehicle while it is parked on campus.
- Storage units, trailers, jet skis or boats may not be placed in parking spaces without the prior consent of PTS.
- No space may be blocked, reserved, or closed to access without the consent of PTS.
- No spaces may be signed or designated for a particular use or user without the consent of PTS.
- Access to a gated parking lot or facility may be made only by use of a swipe or proximity card or permit activated by PTS for use by the designated individual or vehicle for access to the specific lot or facility. Any vehicle entering a gated parking lot or facility by any other means is subject to ticket and tow.
Using campus parking facilities for any purpose other than for what they are intended, for mass distribution or posting of information in the form of flyers,or anything else put on vehicles parked on campus.
No signs or banners are permitted to be affixed, hung or displayed in any parking location without the written approval of Duke University Parking and Transportation Services.
- Advertising any article, commodity, service or event.
- Selling or offering for sale any article, commodity, or service except by those persons, firms or corporations who are official selling agencies of the University.
- Use of campus parking areas for any purpose other than normal academic or administrative activities.
- There will be a rental fee charge based on size of lot, length of use, and location.
- There will be a fee assessed for any labor and/or materials provided by PTS.
- There will be a fee assessed for any work required to return a lot to its condition prior to rental.
- Overnight or extended parking of campers, vans, buses, etc., utilized as living and sleeping quarters within campus boundaries, is not permitted unless approved by Parking and Transportation Services.
Any vehicle that has been parked illegally for more than seven calendar days or which is legally parked but determined to be "derelict" under North Carolina General Statue 20-137.7 will be removed.
- Inoperable/disabled vehicles must be reported immediately to Duke Police (919 684-2444) and removed within 48 hours of the notification.
- Inoperable/disabled vehicles left standing in driveways, driving lanes, tow lanes, blocking vehicles, or other no parking areas are subject to being towed and fined.
- It is advised that the owner/driver of the inoperable/disabled vehicle move the car to the nearest unreserved, designated parking space and obtain the proper permit from PTS immediately thereafter.
- Vehicles found in violation of the following may be towed from campus to a designated storage facility:
- Unauthorized parking in a space designated as 24 HOUR TOWING.
- Unauthorized parking in a handicapped space.
- Parking in a no parking area, landscape, or sidewalk.
- Repeat offenders parked illegally. Repeat offenders will be defined as those who have received 10 or more citations (paid or unpaid) during a six month period, or those with $350 or more unpaid citations.
- Abandoned vehicles.
- Unauthorized parking in a reserved space and/or lot.
- In addition to any fine assessed, the owner of a towed vehicle is responsible for payment of any towing and/or storage fees charged for such towing.
- Vehicles are released from towing during regular business hours, 9am-5pm Monday through Friday, exclusive of holidays.
- After 30 days in Duke storage, towed vehicles are transferred to a contracted third party. All storage fees apply at both facilities.
- Wrecker and towing services must contact Duke Parking and Transportation Services prior to entering parking facilities. They should call 919-684-7275 and press the call button ("i") on the lane entry equipment.
Individuals may have their parking privileges suspended for repeated acts of parking violations.
- Duke has implemented access restrictions at the following four locations, where drop-off and pick-up is prohibited for all private taxi companies, Uber, Lyft and other ride hailing services from Monday through Friday, 7:00am - 8:30pm.
- West Campus Bus Stop
- Bryan Center Circle
- Research Drive Circle
- East Campus Bus Stop
- Riders should choose an alternative pick-up/drop-off location during weekday restricted periods. See suggested areas here: Ride-hailing Locations
- Drivers in violation of the weekday restrictions will receive a $250 fine.
- Restrictions are also in effect for special events, including football games and weekend performances at Baldwin Auditorium. The nearest drop-off and pick-up location for football games is the Science Drive visitor lot, adjacent to the entrance of the Fuqua School of Business. Attendants will be at the lot to grant access to drivers. For Baldwin Auditorium events, the pick-up/drop-off location is Asbury United Methodist Church, 806 Clarendon St.
Charging stations for electric vehicles are available in several locations on campus. Charging vehicles by any means other than a charging station, including plugging an individual vehicle charger or other device into an electric outlet at any Duke facility, is prohibited and may result in a citation.