Duke offers plenty of options for student and employee groups seeking help planning an event.
Event Parking & Requests
Spaces at Duke are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. For groups of 20 or more, Duke can help to arrange parking for you and your visitors. With smaller groups, it's still a good idea to contact our event planning office to check on the availability of parking and other events that day.
In some cases, a member of Duke's campus safety staff will be needed to assist in parking or managing your event. The average charge per officer is $38 an hour with a four hour minimum. Not all events need an officer, but it is suggested for groups of 20 or more for assistance with parking or attendance.
To book an event, please contact Duke at least two weeks and no more than six months in advance. A $150 charge is required if an event is scheduled ten days or less before it occurs. To request event space, complete and submit this form. Only one form per event is required. Your event parking request will be confirmed by phone or e-mail within two business days of submittal. Confirmation will include a cost estimate, parking availability and equipment/signage information.

Those not representing Duke departments who wish to request services for event parking on campus, or those representing Duke departments who wish to pay by check or procurement card, may print the above-referenced form and mail it to ptsevents@duke.edu.