Bus Advertising

Duke Transit offers opportunities for advertising on the interior or exterior of University buses.  Please use the following links:

Transit Interior Advertisement Request

Duke University departments may purchase interior advertising on Duke Transit buses by submitting a Transit Interior Advertisement Request. The following polices and procedures will apply:


  1. Any department may purchase advertising under the conditions that the message is of general information to Duke students or employees.
  2. Political and commercial advertising is not permitted.
  3. A maximum of 20 departments may advertise at one time, given the constraints of advertising space on the buses.
  4. The monthly rate for advertising on 20 buses is $300.00 for all or any part of a month, regardless of whether classes are in session.
  5. Departments are responsible for all costs associated with advertising, including production of materials, and providing Transportation Services with a fund code for the cost of the advertising at the time the ad is requested.
  6. Duke Transit has twenty (20) buses that can accommodate advertising. These buses are rotated throughout the fleet to balance mileage. Therefore, there can be no guarantee of what bus will serve any one route. Please note that not all Duke Transit buses are equipped with sign holders.
  7. Departments should supply 25 copies of their advertisement with the following specifications:
    1. Advertisements must be 11 inches tall by 17 inches wide OR 11 inches tall by 22 inches wide
    2. Materials must be card stock or paper stock with laminate for support. Laminate must be trimmed to the 11 inch height requirement.
    3. Materials should be recyclable if possible.
    4. Materials should be delivered in a protective wrapping.
    5. Twenty-five copies should be provided initially. Additional copies may be required for advertising periods of 3 or more months.
  8. Duke Transportation Services assumes no costs in the production or replacement of any printed materials.
  9. Advertisements will be posted for a minimum of a one-month period.
  10. Cards will be installed or removed during the closest weekend to the beginning or end of every month.
  11. Replacements for damaged or missing cards will be installed only on weekends.
  12. The department will provide the beginning/ending weekends for advertising period, and contact information if additional cards are needed.


Departments must request to advertise on buses. Requests should be made to Duke Transit on the form below or faxed to (919) 681-7765.

A completed Transit Interior Advertisement Request form should be submitted for approval. Submitted requests do not guarantee space availability or approval. Please verify approval prior to printing posters.

Request form and posters should be delivered to Duke Transit Operations, 712 Wilkerson Avenue.

Posters must be provided to Transportation Services by the Monday prior to the installation weekend of the month in which advertising is to begin. Transportation Services will contact the department if any additional posters are needed before the advertising period is to end.

Posters will be checked on the weekends and replaced as needed.

Transportation will dispose of any old or unused posters through recycling unless other arrangements are made by the department regarding the posters. If Transportation is not notified within 10 business days of the department's intent to retrieve the posters, they will be recycled.

Transportation will not be responsible for posters left beyond the advertising period.

Exterior Bus Wraps

Duke Transit will wrap available buses for Duke departments.  Please contact the Director's office at 919-684-3066 for details

Bus Wrap