In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), we provide accessible parking and transportation options. The following map contains details about campus accessibility:
Duke Campus Map - Provides detail about building entrances, parking, pedestrian routes, and more.

Duke Transit & Vans
Our buses and vans accommodate wheelchairs.
Paratransit Services
If you need paratransit services on campus, you should contact Duke's Access and Accommodation Services. Upon approval, you'll receive details on how to schedule van service.
For local and regional paratransit service, use GoDurham Access or GoTriangle ACCESS.
Accessible Parking
We work with Duke's Access and Accommodation Services to provide appropriate parking for disabled visitors, students, and employees.
Handicapped accessible parking spaces are available throughout campus. If you are planning a visit to Duke and need accommodation assistance, contact Duke's Access and Accommodation Services at dukedms@duke.edu or call 919-668-1267.
Important! If you park in a handicapped space, you must display a state-issued handicapped parking placard.
- Metered spaces and garages - Hourly charges apply.
- Gated and ungated lots - You may purchase a day pass for a limited selection of lots online with a credit card. To purchase, click Sign Up to create a guest account.
If you're a student with a permanent disability, do the following. If you do not already own a permit, a permit fee will apply.
- Fill out the following form Student - Medical Request for Special Parking/Transportation, and contact Duke's Access and Accommodation Services
- Contact our office
Our office will provide a temporary (2 week) parking arrangement until Access and Accommodation Services advises us of your needs, if any.
If you're a student with a temporary disability lasting less than three months, provide a note from a health care provider on letterhead, explaining the duration of your disability, the distance you can walk and if you are able to board and ride a bus. We will provide you with access to parking for up to three (3) months. If you do not already own a permit, a permit fee will apply.
If you're an employee with a permanent disability, do the following:
- Fill out the following form Faculty/Staff - Medical Request for Special Parking/Transportation, and email to dmsoffice@duke.edu.
- Access and Accommodation Services will consult with Employee Occupational Health and Wellness (EOHW). A staff member from EOHW will be in touch with you.
- In the interim, contact our office for a temporary (2 week) parking arrangement. We may require a note from a health care provider on letterhead, explaining the duration of your disability.
- Once you hear from EOHW, contact us for longer-term parking. If you do not already own a permit, a permit fee will apply.
- Visit Access and Accommodation Services for additional information.
If you're an employee with a temporary disability lasting less than three months, provide a note from a health care provider on letterhead, explaining the duration of your disability, the distance you can walk and if you are able to board and ride a bus. We will provide you with access to parking for up to three (3) months. If you do not already own a permit, a permit fee will apply.