For occasional parking needs, day passes provide valid parking for one calendar day.

  • Registered commuters (carpool/rideshare, vanpool or full-time bike commuter) can obtain three free day passes (permits) per month to use when they may need to drive alone. Unused passes from one month do not carry over to the next. Rideshare participants registered as single-car households are not eligible for free day passes.
  • Anyone (registered commuters who exceed their three free passes/month, as well as faculty, staff, students and visitors) may purchase an occasional parking permit online. 

 Note the following:

  • The permit is only valid in the facility you select. For registered commuters, this facility can be different from the one you're normally assigned to.
  • If a facility is not listed, it's possible that it is sold out for the day. 
  • Print the pass or store it on your smart phone, and scan the QR code to enter and exit a gated facility.

Registered Commuters: Obtaining a Free Day Pass (Three Per Month)

For days when you don't carpool, vanpool, or bike and need to park, obtain a free day pass ahead of time. If you obtain a day pass and don't use it on the day it's valid, we cannot exchange it for a different day.

To obtain your free day pass, visit My Parking Account and log in with your NetID and password. Follow the on-screen instructions.

  • If Daily TDM Printable Permit is not available in the list of permits to select, contact Customer Service at (919) 684-7275.
  • There is no charge for the permit, but you will need to complete the payment process.

Purchasing a Day Pass

Day passes are sold online -- a credit/debit card is required. Day passes are $10.00. Customers may purchase up to 20 day passes per month.

Parking passes for a single day are available for the following facilities:

To obtain a day pass, do one of the following:

  • Customers with a Duke NetID - Visit My Parking Account and and log in with your NetID and password.
  • Visitors - Visit My Parking Account and click Signup. The Guest User Registration screen appears. Create an account, then follow the on-screen instructions.